
A Novel Approach for Colloidal Lithography: From Dry Particle Assembly to High-Throughput Nanofabrication
S. Tzadka, C. Ureña Martin, E.Toledo A. Al Kader Yassin, A. Pandey, G. Le Saux, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces   1617846–17856 (2024)  [PDF]

Elastic Microstructures: Combining Biochemical, Mechanical, and Topographical Cues for the Effective Activation and Proliferation of Cytotoxic T Cells
A. Pandey, M. Iraqi, E. Toledo, A. Al-Kader Yassin, E. Podvalni, S. Naaz, J. J. Pandit, C. Ureña Martin, G. Le Saux, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces  15, 31103−31113 (2023) [PDF]

Highly Effective Index-Matching Antireflective Structures for Polymer Optics
S. Tzadka, I. Kalyan, E. Toledo, Y. Sivan, and M. Schvartzman
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater.  5, 5103−5109 (2023)  [PDF]

Fabrication of Nanoscale Arrays to Study the Effect of Ligand Arrangement on Inhibitory Signaling in NK Cells
G. Le Saux, E Toledo-Ashkenazi and M. Schvartzman
The Immune Synapse. Methods in Molecular Biology, Baldari, C.T., Dustin, M.L. (eds)  vol 2654. Humana, New York, NY. (2023). 

Nanocomposite Coatings for the Prevention of Surface Contamination by Coronavirus
Toledo, S. Dim, A. Edri, Y. Greenshpan, A. Ottolenghi, N. Eisner, S. Tzadka, A. Pandey, H. Ben Nun, G. Le Saux, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
PLoS ONE 17(8):e0272307 (2022) [PDF]

Direct Nanoimprint of Chalcogenide Glasses with Optical Functionalities via Solvent-Based Surface Softening
S. Tzadka Shalit, N. Ostrovsky, H. Frankenstein Shefa, E. Kassis, S. Joseph, and M. Schvartzman
Opt. Exp. 30 26229 (2022) [PDF]

Templated Assembly of Nanoparticles into Continuous Arrays
N. Ostrovsky, G. Le Saux, U.Argaman, I−T. Chen, T. Chen, C.-H. Chang, G. Makov, and M. Schvartzman
Langmuir 37, 9098−9110 (2021) [PDF]

Antibody-functionalized nanowires: a tuner for the activation of T cells
V. Bhingardive*, A. Kossover*, M. Iraqi , B. Khand , G. Le Saux, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
* equal contribution
Nano Lett.
, 21, 4241−4248 (2021) [PDF]

Molecular Scale Spatio-Chemical Control of the Activating-Inhibitory Signal Integration in NK Cells
E.Toledo*, G. Le Saux*,, L. Li, M. Rosenberg, Y. Keidar, V. Bhingardive, A. Edri, U.Hadad, C. Di Primo, T. Buffeteau, A.-S. Smith, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
* equal contribution
 Science Adv. 7, eabc1640 (2021) [PDF]

Nanowire Based Mechanostimulating Platform for Tunable Activation of Natural Killer Cells
V. Bhingardive, A. Edri, A, Kossover,, G. Le Saux,, B. Khand, O.Radinsky, M. Iraqi, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
 Adv. Funct. Mater. 2103063 (2021) [PDF]

Nanowire Based Guidance of the Morphology and Cytotoxic Activity of Natural Killer Cells
V. Bhingardive, G. Le Saux, A. Edri, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
Small 17, 2007347 ( 2021)  [PDF]

Mechanical Regulation of the Cytotoxic Activity of Natural Killer Cells
, G. Le Saux, A. Edri, U. Hadad, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.  7, 1, 122–132 (
2021) [PDF]

Second-harmonic generation due to coulomb-like interaction in a heterodimer of subwavelength dimensions
M.H. Shor*, E. Toledo*, S. Shital, A. Maity, Y. Sivan, M. Schvartzman, and A. Niv
*equal contribution
Opt. Express 28 (21), 31468  (2020) [PDF]

Surface Plasticizing of Chalcogenide Glasses: a Route for Direct Nanoimprint with Multifunctional Antireflective and Highly Hydrophobic Structures
S. Tzadka, N. Ostrovsky, E. Toledo, G. Le Saux, E. Kassis, S. Joseph, and M. Schvartzman
Opt. Express, 28 (19), 28352 (2020) [PDF]

Cell-Cell Adhesion Driven Contact Guidance and its Effect on hMSC Differentiation
G. Le Saux*, 
M. C. Wu*, E.Toledo, Y.-Q. Chen, Y.-J. Fan, J.-C. Kuo, and M. Schvartzman
* equal contribution

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12 (20), 22399–22409 (2020) [PDF]

Direct Resistless Soft Nanopatterning of Freeform Surfaces
M. Rosenberg and M. Schvartzman
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11(46), 43494  (2019)  [PDF]

Controlled spacing between nano-patterned regions in block copolymer films obtained by utilizing substrate topography for local film thickness differentiation
E. Michman, 
M. Langenberg, R. Stenger, M. Oded, M. SchvartzmanM. Mueller, and R. Shenhar
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,11, 35247 (2019) [PDF]

Direct Imprint of Optical Functionalities on Free-Form Chalcogenide Glasses
N. Ostrovsky, D. Yehuda, S. Tzdaka, E. Kassys, S. Joseph, and M. Schvartzman
Adv. Opt. Mater.,1900652 (2019) [PDF]

In-Plane Nanowires with Arbitrary Shapes on Amorphous Substrates by Artificial Epitaxy
R. Ben-Zvi, H. Burrows, M. Schvartzman, O. Bitton, I. Pinkas, I. Kaplan-Ashiri, O. Brontvein, and E. Joselevich
ACS Nano, 13, 5572 (2019) 

Soft thermal nanoimprint with 10 nm feature size
A. Pandey, S. Tzadka, D. Yehuda, and M. Schvartzman
Soft Matter 15, 2897  (2019) [PDF]

Advanced Materials and Devices for the Regulation and Study of NK Cells
G. Le Saux and M. Schvartzman
Intl. J. Mol. Sci.,  20(3), 646 (2019)   [PDF]

Nanoscale Mechanosensing of Natural Killer Cells is Revealed by Antigen-Functionalized Nanowires
G. Le Saux*, N. Bar Hanin*, A. Edri, U. Hadad , A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
 * equal contribution
 Adv. Mater. 31,1805954 (2019) [PDF]

Directed Assembly of Au-tipped 1D Inorganic Nanostructures via Nanolithographic Docking
A. Marcovici, G. Le Saux, V. Bhingardive, P. Rukenstein, K. Flomin, K. Shreteh,  R Golan, T. Mokari, and  M. Schvartzman
ACS Nano 12(10), 10016 (2018) [PDF]

Natural Killer Cells Immune Response Requires a Minimal Nanoscale Distribution of Activating Antigens
Y. Keydar, G. Le Saux, A. Edri, N. Bar-Hanin, E. Toledo, A. Pandey, V. Bhingardive, U. Hadad, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
Nanoscale 10, 14651 (2018)  [PDF]

Direct Soft Imprint on Chalcogenide Glasses
D. Yehuda, E. Kassis, S. Joseph, and M. Schvartzman
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 36, 031602 (2018) [PDF]

Spatial and Chemical Surface Guidance of NK Cell Cytotoxic Activity
G. Le Saux, A. Edri, Y. Keidar, U. Hadad, A. Porgador, and M. Schvartzman
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10(14) 11486 (2018) [PDF]

Soft Thermal Nanoimprint Lithography Using a Nanocomposite Mold
V. Bhingardive, L. Menahem, and M. Schvartzman
Nano Res., 11(5) 2705 (2018) [PDF]

Assessment of Intraocular Pressure Sensing Using an Implanted Reflective Flexible Membrane
A. Nazarov, B. Knyazer, T Lipfshitz, M. Schvartzman, and  I. Abdulhalim
J Biomed. Opt. 22(4) 047001 (2017) [PDF]

Soft nanoimprint mold with rigid relief features for improved pattern transfer
L. Menahem and M. Schvartzman
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 35, 010602 (2017) [PDF]

Guided growth of Horizontal GaN Nanowires on Quartz and their Transfer to Other Substrates
L. Goren-Ruck, D. Tsivion, M. Schvartzman, R. Popovitz-Biro, and E. Joselevich
ACS Nano, 8 (3), 2838 (2014)  [PDF]

Self-Integration of Nanowires into Circuits by Guided Growth
M. Schvartzman, D. Tsivion, D. Mahalu, O. Raslin, and E. Joselevich
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 100 (38), 15195 (2013)  [PDF]

 * Highlighted in PNAS Commentary 110 (38), 15171, (2013)  [PDF]
 * Received Ultratech/Cambridge NanoTech Best Paper Award for the year 2013

Guided Growth of Horizontal ZnO Nanowires with Controlled Orientations on Flat and Faceted Sapphire Surfaces
D. Tsivion, M. Schvartzman, R. Popovitz-Biro, and E. Joselevich
ACS Nano, 6 (7), 6433 (2012)  [PDF]

Guided Growth of Millimeter-Long Horizontal Nanowires with Controlled Orientations
D. Tsivion, M. Schvartzman, R. Popovitz-Biro, P. von Huth, and  E. Joselevich
Science, 333 (6045), 1003 (2011)  [PDF]

* Highlighted in MRS Bulletin 36(10), 734 (2011)  [PDF]

Nanolithographic Control of the Spatial Organization of Cellular Adhesion Receptors at the Single-Molecule Level
M. Schvartzman, M. Palma, J. Sable, J. Abramson, J. Hu, M. P. Sheetz, and S.J. Wind
Nano Lett., 11 (3), 1306 (2011)  [PDF]

Robust Pattern Transfer of Nanoimprinted Features for Sub-5 nm Fabrication
M. Schvartzman and S. J. Wind
Nano Lett., 9 (10), 3629 (2009)  [PDF]

Plasma Fluorination of Diamondlike Carbon Surfaces: Mechanism and Application to Nanoimprint Lithography
M. Schvartzman and S. J. Wind
Nanotechnology, 20 (14), 145306 (2009)  [PDF]

Fabrication of Nanoscale Bioarrays for the Study of Cytoskeletal Protein Binding Interactions Using Nanoimprint Lithography
M. Schvartzman, K.Nguyen, M. Palma, J. Abramson, J. Sable, J.Hone, M.P. Sheetz, and S.J. Wind
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B,  27 (1) , 61  (2009)  [PDF]  

Plasma Fluorination of Carbon-Based Materials for Imprint and Molding Lithographic Applications
M. Schvartzman, A. Mathur, J. Hone, C. Jahnes, and S.J. Wind
Appl. Phys. Lett., 93 (15), 153105 (2008)  [PDF]

Fluorinated Diamondlike Carbon Templates for High Resolution Nanoimprint Lithography
M. Schvartzman A. Mathur, Y. Kang, C. Jahnes, J. Hone, and S.J. Wind
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 26 (6), 2394 (2008)  [PDF]

Passivation of InP Surfaces of Electronic Devices by Organothiolated Self-Assembled Monolayers
M. Schvartzman, V. Sidorov, D. Ritter, and Y. Paz
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 21 (1), 148 (2003)  [PDF]

Surface Passivation of (100) InP by Organic Thiols and Polyimide as Characterized by Steady-State Photoluminescence
M. Schvartzman, V. Sidorov, D. Ritter, and Y. Paz
Semicond. Sci. Technol., 16, L68 (2001)  [PDF]

Selective Photocatalysis by Means of Molecular Recognition
S. Gosh-Mukerji, H Haick, M. Schvartzman, Y Paz
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123 (43), 10776 (2001)  [PDF]